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Can an everyday person know their True Self?

Can an everyday person (who isn’t a monk or saint.. or someone who doesn’t have a guru) find their True Self? I believe that if you are pure in your desire to know yourSelf, you will come to realize your True Self.

I believe that everyone knows Truth innately and unmistakably. Truth is a resonance. Truth feels like home. It is not an idea or mental construct. It is unmistakable energy that feels illuminated, expansive + free. It’s liberating and a homecoming into the heart of the experience of you.

To come to know your True nature is to release attachments to the ego construct of your identity + the narrative of your story, your likes and dislikes. You must let go of the programs that limit who you can experience yourSelf as.

In all ancient traditions there is the concept of the Self at the centre. In yoga they say at the centre is the point of eternal undying Light of our Pure Consciousness, which is the Light of our Truest essence and that of our Soul. This is the Self that observes the thoughts in the mind and the emotions flowing through us. It is the Light of consciousness that is the True Self.

To cultivate a relationship with the Light of Consciousness at the centre of your experience is to know the True Self. When we know our True Self, we are not attached to the layers of programming, story, trauma and lies about who we are. 

We become the observer the consciousness at the centre of our experience, watching the experience we no longer identify with the illusion of a construct of stories, programs, traumas, imprints and lies. The observer watches the waves of thought and emotions as well as the state of the nervous system.

At your centre you are aligned with your True nature and free to create your life in the way you are called to in any present moment!

It can sound abstract to know yourSelf in this way. Our world of constant distraction does not facilitate an environment to know your Truth.

Trauma and trauma triggers shock and shake us out of our centre and distort the story of who we truly are.

Low vibrational addictions and distractions will lure us away from our centre at every turn. Privilege can give a sense of false power and identity that can blind us and block us from knowing our Truth.

We must practice discipline to cultivate this connection with the Truth of who we are. A disciplined practice is an action step in healing. To return to the Truth of who you are is the definition of Spiritual healing.

Spiritual healing is part of the biopsychosocial spiritual model of therapy, in which each aspect of your experience is honoured and seen as intrinsically connected, parallel and reflected.

Breath and meditation are ways to initiate and cultivate a connection the Light at your centre. On a physical level, breath and meditation calm and regulate the nervous system.

To understand your True Self, you must understand the programming and past imprints that you have informed your identity, created limitations and barriers to connecting with the True you. With tools like trauma informed counselling, clinical hypnotherapy and somatic therapy, you can discover and reframe the old programs to new programs that align with your authentic and Truest expression of Self.

Make sure to choose a therapist who provides safe and confidential space for you to lead your own sessions.

In my 1:1 clients + with my online program, Trauma Cleanse, I provide information, tools + supportive resources for all humans who want to take action towards healing their mental, emotional, physical, social, spiritual health + wellness.


Spiritual Healing


Shadow + Light Work