Trauma Recovery
Stages of Trauma Healing
The 3 Stages of Trauma Recovery is a model developed by Judith Lewis Herman, American post trauma psychiatrist, researcher, teacher + author. These 3 stages are recognized widely as a common process in which humans effectively process + heal their trauma.
This is how I define the 3 Stages of Trauma Recovery:
Stage 1 | Safety + Security | Setting the Container
Establish Safety + Security. This sounds simple. Depending on your situation, you may have more work to do in this stage. Safety includes feeling safe physically, mentally, emotionally + energetically. Stage 1 is all about creating internal + external safety. A safe container will hold you while you do the work of healing your trauma.
Support System. Your support system is customizable + can include, but not limited to a supportive partner, family, friends who understand what you are going through + choosing to do. Depending on our budget, how safe you feel now + how deep you want to work, you may consider getting a counsellor/ therapist or team of professionals to work with you. You may consider working with healers + coaches.
Harm Reduction. Please take stock of your current situation. Are you at risk of harm from yourself or another? What can you do to reduce the risk of harm? Get support + take reasonable action to reduce harm in your life.
Set boundaries + saying no as best you can to reduce triggers + energy drains.
Sobriety. It is extremely common to develop addiction to substances in an attempt to self medicate the pain + discomfort of living with trauma. If you are abusing drugs and/ or alcohol + it is impacting your health + safety, getting sober is a step towards establishing safety + stability.
Self Care. Included on the resource page, is a Self Care checklist. Refer to it for Self Care ideas. Doing Self care is a way to communicate love to yourSelf, increasing Love + Compassion, creates an atmosphere for healing.
Education About Trauma. This lesson is an amazing start or step in educating yourSelf about trauma, PTSD + the effects. Doing this helps to normalize trauma + give you perspective + compassion for what you have gone through + are going through.
Resources are tools that help up to contain chaotic thoughts + emotion. Resources can be grounding + increase the ability to tolerate triggers, increase the ability to self-soothe, integrate your learning, improve self-esteem + regulate your nervous system.
Stage 2 | Remembering + All the Feels | Processing | Shedding the Old Skin
Once safety and stabilization have been achieved, this is the time to address the deeper impact of trauma by processing and integrating the traumatic experiences in a safe environment. This phase can be very dynamic with the unpacking of the trauma story + all the feels.
This is a time of grief, anguish + mourning the old, the wounded self, wounded feminine + masculine, deconstructing negative beliefs, reframing + intervening core beliefs.
Part of processing is learning how to regulate post-traumatic symptoms in ways that resonate with + feel meaningful to you.
This is a time when the entire spectrum of emotions can be present, from grief + lament to joy to rage to despair to the elation of liberation. Make room for it all + remember that each feeling is a gateway to the next which eventually leads to post traumatic growth! It’s all important + it’s all valid. Tears release toxins, stress hormones and other chemicals. Crying is a biohack to fast track your healing.
We bring the Snake Medicine to transmute the poison + venom of the past into the nectar of the present + moving forward to the future. Snake Medicine is to shed the dead skin of the past. Snake doesn’t keep the dead layers of her skin because they would slow her down + make her less lustrous. Shed your old identity + prepare to come more into your True Nature. Your lit nature.
As we shed the old story, our “window of tolerance” increases + we are able to tolerate + be unbothered by triggers of the past stories + associations.
With mindfulness + meditation we are able to slow the nervous system down to feel present in the moment, in our centre + anchored into the experience of now.
Stage 3 | Phoenix From the Flames | Reconnection + Integration as Your New Normal
In the 2nd stage you shed the old self. Stage 3 is all about integrating the New Self... The True Self!
It’s the dawn of a new day. Harness the Fires of Transformation + bring your fresh little fawn Self forward from the flames. The keys to stage 3 success is being gentle on yourSelf! Stay committed. Self Love + compassion will carry you through the other side.
Reconnection is you taking new steps back into life, work + relationships in ways that align with the healthy new story + lifestyle you are creating for yourself. Integration is continuing to use the resources + tools that work for you to stay lit like a phoenix and like the Divine Light you are!
Post Traumatic Growth
Clinical research shows that 70% of people who move through the 3 stages of trauma processing experience PTSG! Post Traumatic Growth is your experience of the upleveled you. More resilient, confident, grounded, Self loving. With post traumatic growth, you will notice an improvement in your relationship to Self + others. You will be more clear in boundaries + communications. You will be more selective with how you spend your time, money + energy.
Ready to Heal Your Trauma?
If you feel like it’s time to cross over to mental/ emotional/ spiritual/ physical/ social wellness, I’d be honoured to help facilitate that for you. You can see me privately or join my online workshop, Trauma Cleanse. Check my website to learn more + find free resources to help support your journey to healing.
Make sure to choose a therapist who provides safe + confidential space for you to lead your own sessions.
In my 1:1 clients + with my online program, Trauma Cleanse, I provide information, tools + supportive resources for men + women who want to take action towards healing their mental, emotional, physical, social, spiritual health + wellness.
Stay blessed xo ishta