You have arrived to the portal of your healing


Maybe you’re like me in that

I’m Ishta and the first time I tried therapy for my trauma, it literally fucked me up worse than I was before. The second time I tried therapy, the therapist had me tell the story over and over and never asked me helpful questions to crack the code to a new program of a higher Self expression.

Getting bad therapy is the why behind becoming a trauma focused clinical wellness counsellor.

Truth is a resonance that is felt when it hits as Truth for you.

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The Story of Your Trauma

The story of your trauma is one that separates you from your True Self. These experiences often begin early in our life and repeat into our adulthood.

Trauma creates programs, patterns, and negative core beliefs.

Trauma lies at the root of all suffering and limitation within your BODY MIND SPIRIT.

The Trauma Cleanse Method is a step by step guide that holds space for radical healing with safety at it's core foundation. The Trauma Cleanse provides the steps, structure, processes and resources to support you through the “3 stages of trauma recovery”: Safety, Processing and Integration.

The Trauma Cleanse Method takes a top down (cognitive/ masculine) and bottom up (somatic/ feminine) approach.

I created The Trauma Cleanse to be extremely accessible and an easy guide for anyone who wants to heal their trauma.

For me, healing trauma has been the journey home to my True Self. It is my greatest honour and highest pleasure to be a part of your journey home to your True Self <3 :)

What is included?

Healing happens in community. Healing in safety spaces with others is exceptionally powerful! Be with us and receive:

  • Move through the 3 Stages of Trauma Recovery: Safety, Processing and Integration while being witnessed and witnessing others in their healing experience.

  • Weekly group calls with replays and followup reflections

  • Work on the MIND BODY SPIRIT (biopsychosocial spiritual vibrational).

  • Work with both top down (cognitive) and bottom up (somatic) approaches.

  • Audio books of The Trauma Cleanse.

  • Ebooks books of The Trauma Cleanse. (printable)

  • Ebook of 21 Days of Daily Practice Workbook (printable)

  • 21 day daily morning 15 minute group video calls with breath, meditation and intentions practice. This is a powerful way to stay connected to our group and to your commitment to yourself.

  • Deep Self inquiry supported through reflective journal questions and group discussion.

  • Learn a “rinse, wash & repeat” cycle to heal and regulate when you need. to use when you are feeling triggered or in a trauma response (such as anxiety or depression that can manifest as dissociation/ disconnect, hypervigilance/ fear, panic, giving up, apathy, feeling not enough, and or or flooded with shame and doubt).

  • Breath Rituals a guide to nervous system regulation: Cosmic Principles (work book to understand energy) Basic Breath, Grounding Breath, True Self Breath. Purifying/ Clearing Breath, Protection Breath, Manifesting Breath.

  • Somatic Journeys a somatic resource of 5 guided processes. 5 Audio tracks for healing using deep relaxation and a guided somatic journey. Audio tracks and printable PDF workbook. Mother/ Father Healing. Inner Child Integration, Forgiving Your Shadow Self, Trauma Bond Clearing and Meeting Your True Self.

  • Stay connected with your group for connection and support.

  • Lifetime subscription to The Trauma Cleanse Self Guided resources.

Investment $1111

Next container: Oct 22/ 24

Book an explore call to discover if this is right for you.

Is past trauma currently effecting your life?

There are many types of traumas and trauma is on a spectrum. No matter how extreme or subtle the trauma, all trauma ultimately results in a disconnection from the Self and the ability to feel safe to be you. This disconnect can manifest in many ways within your MIND BODY SPIRIT experience.

Types of traumas can include a multitude of experiences that naturally happen in life, from early childhood abuse or neglect trauma, to teenage sexual assault trauma, to medical trauma, to war trauma, death of a loved one trauma, accidents trauma, natural disasters trauma, social conditioning, government policy, to workplace, to immigration trauma, to identity theft, human trafficking, to intimate partner abuse trauma….. and so many more!

All people experience trauma.

Traumas can stand alone, but most commonly compound upon each other, distorting our perception in an often complex and multi-layered confusion of trauma responses (anxiety, depression) and trauma bonds (toxic relationships). We often self medicate with addictions or distractions to not feel the weight or the discomfort of the trauma. The Trauma Cleanse Method will support you to address your trauma in a healthy way, resulting in feeling more connected, rather than more disconnected.

In Latin, trauma means wound. The wound of your trauma is at the root cause of all your pain of disconnection that limits you in your ability to live well and free. Trauma can feel like a curse. Especially when it is passed down through generations.

Gabor Mate says, “Trauma is not the event, but what happens in your body as a result of the event”. The trauma becomes a response that is patterned into your nervous system. The patterns and responses of the nervous system become the architecture of the story you continue to tell yourself. It is the story that you are not enough and every single one of us have our own version of this story.

We will continually re-live the trauma stories, patterns and programs until we choose to heal and change them.

The Trauma Cleanse Method provides helpful tools for people with all types of trauma. The Trauma Cleanse Method most effectively addresses traumas that happened in our younger developmental years that are currently manifesting in our adult lives and relationships.

Book an explore call to see if this is right for you.