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Breath Practices

Breath is the most immediate + effective resource to calm + regulate your nervous system, bringing you into homeostasis so you can feel more in command of your experience.

The breath, translated into Latin as spiritum/ spirit. The breath is the gateway to your subtle energy body, which is the magnetic field of your nervous system. Use your breath to anchor you safely into your body, the present moment + your presence.


The Grounding Breath

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Use the Grounding Breath when you need to come safely back into the beautiful experience of being your body.

The Grounding Breath Meditation is the foundational breath resource of my online course, Trauma Cleanse. The grounding breath is to anchor you safely + steadily into the present moment. This practice will also help contain your thoughts + emotions you feel chaotic.

When our trauma is triggered, we will dissociate, meaning our consciousness leaves the anchor at the centre of our physical experience. That’s why we feel ungrounded + flooded with chaotic thoughts + emotions.

When we are retriggered by an event, image, thought, smell, sound etc, we will often dissociate + become hypervigilant. Hypervigilance is when your nervous system is on high alert for danger. That can be psychological danger or physical danger. Hypervigilance can be mixed with fear or anger + aggression.

I have used it a lot as an emergency resource to help me bring my nervous system back to homeostasis.

True Self Activation Breath

If you are feeling disconnected from your True Self or not even sure where to begin to connect to whatever that means, this breath practice can be very helpful.

According to ancient wisdom teachings, we are a spark of Divine consciousness at the centre of our physical, mental + emotional experience. This Light of Pure Conciseness is our True Self - not the thoughts in our limited mind. Our True Self is not the sensory experience of the body.

This breath practice is to connect you to the Eternal Light that resides at the centre of you.

Use this practice to feel centred, lit + expansive!