A guide to Healing Trauma in the MIND BODY SPIRIT

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What is included?

This is a comprehensive guide for anyone, who is ready, to heal their trauma.

  • Move through the 3 Stages of Trauma Recovery: Safety, Processing and Integration.

  • Work on the MIND BODY SPIRIT (biopsychosocial spiritual vibrational)

  • Work both top down (cognitive) and bottom up (somatic)

  • Included are audio books and ebook chapters of The Trauma Cleanse, The Trauma Cleanse journals for each chapter.

  • Learn a rinse wash repeat cycle you can use when you are triggered and experience a trauma response.

  • Breath Rituals a guide to nervous system regulation: Cosmic Principles (work book to understand energy) Cosmic Breath, Grounding Breath, True Self Breath. Purifying/ Clearing Breath, Protection Breath, Manifesting Breath.

  • Deep Healings 5 processes for healing using deep relaxation and a guided journey. Audio tracks and printable PDF workbook. Mother/ Father Healing. Inner Child Integration, Forgiving Your Shadow Self, Trauma Bond Clearing, Meeting Your True Self.

The story of our trauma creates programs, patterns, and beliefs that are at the root of our suffering and limitations AND at the origin of our transformation!

You've come to heal your past, present and future. You are here to reclaim your connection to Truth, Love, Power and Freedom.

The Trauma Cleanse Method is a guide that holds space for radical healing with safety at it's core foundation. The Trauma Cleanse provides the steps, structure, processes and resources to support you to become your own wellspring source of safety, healing and transformation.

I created The Trauma Cleanse as a highly accessible resource for anyone who wants to heal their trauma.

It is my highest hope that Trauma Cleanse will assist you in healing and aligning to your highest potential in this lifetime.